Word is a word-processing software comes with Microsoft Office Package. From Word 2007 version Microsoft removed the Menu and Toolbars with Tabs and Groups. Default filename of Word version 2007 is document and extension is .docx.
New Features of Word 2007:
Office Button
Tabs, Ribbon and Groups in the place of menus and toolbars
Quick Access Toolbar
Office button and Quick access toolbars contain basic commands necessary for file operations.
Customizing Quick Access Toolbar:
Right click on empty space of tabs–>customize quick access toolbar
Click on down showing arrow at right side of Quick access toolbar
Ribbon contains groups of different icons for the tab selected.
Show/hide Ribbon:
Right click on ribbon–>Minimize ribbon to hide
Click on empty area of tabs–>minimize ribbon to show
Some Groups contain arrow at lower right corner that opens a dialog box
Moving between Tabs using Keyboard:
Press Alt to activate Tabs with Hot keys
Press the hot key to open the tab with hot keys for groups and commands (or) use arrows to change between tabs
Press Esc to deactivate Hot keys
Creating new File:
Office button–>New (or) alt+f+n
Select blank document–>OK
Opening an existing document:
Office button–>open
Select a folder–>Select word fileàOpen
Saving document:
Office button–>Save/Save As
Select location of folder
Type a file name
Saving Document in other format:
Office button–>Save As
Select the format in File Type list box
Type the file name if you want
Select the location of folder if you want
Show/hide ruler:
view Tab–>show/hide group–>ruler checkbox
Setting up size and margins of page to be printed:
Page layout Tab–>Use buttons in Page Setup group
Click on right arrow on lower right corner of Page Setup group of Page Layout tab to open Page Setup dialog box
Printing and previewing a document:
Office button–>print
Viewing document using different views:
view tab–>document views group
Changing between documents
view tab–>window group–>switch windows button
Splitting Document
view tab–>window group–>split button
Changing Magnification Level of page:
View Tab–>Zoom Group
Drag the Zoom slider at lower right corner of Word 2007 window.
Ctrl+scroll the mouse