Cell Referencing:
using cell Address instead of number is known as Cell Referencing
3 types of cell references:
1. Relative referencing Eg: A4
2. Absolute or Fixed or Constant Referencing Eg: $A$4
3. Mixed Referencing Eg$A4 or A$4
Difference between Cell References:
Cell address with Relative Reference change with respect to the new location when you copy the formula to other cell.
Cell Address with Fixed Reference won’t change when copying formula
In Mixed Referencing, $ prefixed part of cell address won’t change while other part would change while copying.
Change between Cell References:
Select Cells–>Press F4
Types of Errors:
######: Column Width not sufficient
#REF: Cell Address is not available
#VALUE: In appropriate data is supplied to calculate formula or function
#NAME: Function Name entered wrong
#Div/0: tried to divide by zero
Drawbacks of Formula:
1. User must know the calculation procedure
2. becomes complex with the increase of cell addresses since cell range notation cannot be used.
Cell Range Notation:
Group of cells referring with simple notation
A1:A10 referring 10 cells from A1 to A10