Box Shadow

This CSS property is used to apply a shadow effect for an html element.  This shadow will be applied to entire element as a background shadow but not for content.  We have to use text-shadow property to apply shadow effect for the text.


Values for box-shadow property:

We can use box-shadow property with minimum 2 values or maximum 5 values.


The 5 values of box-shadow property are:

  1. Horizontal offset
  2. Vertical Offset
  3. Blur radius
  4. Spread distance
  5. Shadow color


<!DOCTYPE html>




      <title>CSS Box Shadow</title>



            margin-top: 100px;

            margin-left: 100px;



            background: rgb(100,192,245);

            box-shadow:10px 10px;








      <div class=”shadow”>








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