Course Content
History of C Language
Basic Structure of C Program
Types of Errors
Language Fundamentals
Data Types and Modifiers
Programming with C Language
About Lesson

Input is the process of getting data from the user and Output is the activity of displaying a message or a result of program to the user.  Basically I/O operations make possible the communication between the user and the program.  Input and Output operations performing with standard I/O devices that is keyboard and monitor are called as Standard I/O operations.  There are some other type of I/O operations like file I/O operations which will be discussed later in this course.

In C Language, all the I/O is based on the functions only.  Moreover those functions are pre-defined functions existed in the library of header files like stdio.h, conio.h etc.  We have to attach the code of the respective functions to our program in order to use a i/o function.  For example, to use printf and scanf functions we have to link their definitions from stdio.h to our program.

There are Two types of I/O Functions

  1. Formatted
  2. Unformatted

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